Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

I thought they were lost in my village at Wonosari and met with me and my son with their plan for traveling.

Category: Traveling

Watch their video here:
Video number 5
I thought, they were lost when they made a plan to come to Indonesia and made a decision to come to my village. I felt, they were disappointed when come and stay in my guest house. They were like confused. What could I do here? I was confused, too, what I would show to them here is. Finally, I made a decision that I will show, how, me and my son lives here. How do our genuine lives here? Yes, we found the activities finally.

With brought a hesitate feeling, I explained one by one how our village is in before. In the past, our village was a tourism village destination. A lot of Chinese local tourists and local citizen came to my village just for praying in the temple or just traveled and looked around because it was very crowded at that time. And, now become a kampung, just ordinary kampung. But, sometime become a tourism village again, it depend to the big days like, new year or Eid day "Muslim big day."

I thought hard, how making them happy when they were staying in my guest house. I suggested to my son that you had to cook some of Indonesian cuisine and invite them, he or she, to join when you are cooking. Well, finally, my son decided to cook Indonesian curry and lumpia for five day's dishes. I said to them that we usually cook a lot at once to live for five days or one week. And for another day, my son would cook Chicken claws, cooked with sweet soy sauce. But unfortunately, they rushed to leave, went to another place before my son cooked it. They stayed only four days of their planned that was 12 days.

In four days, they filled the days with cooking, one of them name is Ingrid gave a donation to me by buying a cement to plastering the floor on upstairs and gave a gift the seed of flowers. And the last, we went for a walk and sightseeing some near village of my property. My son and I have made a video memory about them as memento for us. See you again, guys.

Love and compassion,
Santosa Laksana and Kusuma A. S

One step to make a strawberry pot has finished. Tomorrow, I can start to work and produce it.

Because I very enthusiasm to sell online my strawberry plants, my idea has grown and I made a decision that I had to make a strawberry pot to fulfill the service to the customer candidate who want to buy online via my this blog. I have finished making my mini workshop for working and I am ready to produce the pots starting tomorrow.

I work starting from Zero and is helped by my only son every day. We will try to make a perfect product to my customer's satisfaction who buy our product by online via my this blog. We will make sure that our pots of our production of these are strong, heat resistant, and water resistance, so can be used for indoor and outdoor.

We make these pots from wood and plywood, so this will demand our craftsmanship and our diligence when making it. I am, personally, will improve and advance my handicraft skill, besides for my own heart's satisfaction, but also for I want to be seen by the world that my struggle of the live to become successful is never the end. 

So again, I am very grateful to the God, Universe, Holy Spirit, and Deities that I still can continue my life in Your protection and Your plan. Thank you so much.

Love and compassion.
Santosa Laksana and Kusuma A. S

Finally the fireplace to cook hot water for bathing can be used again.

On the first day, when the roofs of the bathrooms collapsed, I had time thinking that, oh my goddess, how can I serve my guest if the fireplace to boil hot water is broken? I cannot repairing that! I do not able and do not have an experience to build a building using cement. I almost gave up.

Okay, because I had to repair the roof first, I did not think again how to repair the fireplace, I thought I would think later after I have finished repairing the roof. For three days I tried and struggled to build again the roof as I could and yeah,, I did it..! The Hut and roof have stood firmly on the ground at above the fireplace that was broken. Hoo hoo..., I thought again, I will have a new challenge tomorrow, build again the fireplace which I don't know how.

Relax.., relax.., I said to myself, I definitely can if I do it slowly and one by one. I took my rest, bathed, and did small celebrate when dinner with my son to celebrate our success, that is building a hut and its roofs.

Yes.., the fourth day has come, it's the time for me and my son to repair the fireplace to cook the hot water for bathing. Okay.., I didn't think again, I just did it naturally. Because my son had to clean the bathrooms first, I worked to rebuild the fireplace alone, without a help from my son. Ha ha ha.., and LOL a lot, in the middle of my work, my son warned me that my work was wronged. Yes, he right, after I thought twice and so on, I aware that it would be collapsed again if I continue my work. My son stop cleaning the bathrooms and made a decision to help me, finally. Yeah.., My son helped me rebuild the fireplace till the end.

We repeated again, what I worked in advance and did it one by one like what said by my son was. Great, finally I could think clearly how to continue the work in the right manner although might not be perfect. I struggled to cement it carefully. Slowly by slowly I did it and with a small smile of course. And yeah.., We did it and succeed rebuilt the fireplace to cook the hot water for bathing. Thank you God, thank you so much.

Love and affection,
Santosa Laksana.

Cleaning the bathrooms area and make sure to keep the spring water cleanest.

Hot water traditional

Bathrooms area

Spring water

I and my son very busied today. Finishing our work yesterday cleaning the bathrooms area that just collapsed. Our loyal and bona fide guests from Jakarta will be coming today, so we had to hurry up to finish our work can be finished today. We make sure that the floor-yard outside of the bathrooms be clean.

We have 9 bathrooms outdoor to serve the guests whose stay one night or long stay at our guest house. We take the water directly from a spring of ours that was created by my father in the past in 1978. It was me at 4 years old.

We very excited for working until finish. Cleaning the floor and bathroom wall and bathroom tub. So amazing! Because, although our guest house is a simple guest house, not modern, the old guest house, but, the environment is very beautiful for me. The bathrooms area are already clean and the water in the bathtub so very clean, like no the water. I and my son are very satisfy with our work today and we say thanks so much to our God, the Universe, Holy spirit, and Deities. They always protect us and guide us. Have a good day.

Love and affection,
Santosa Laksana

Rebuilding the roofs of the bathrooms area have finished.

We had to fast to rebuild again the bathrooms roofs area in our guest house and we could finish it within three days. Actually we lack of ingredients to rebuild it but we could finish it with a little use of our creativity.

We started it from cleaning the plants of binahong from the top of the roofs which were collapsing so that we had the space to work on there. It was on day one and we thought and made a plan for tomorrow, how and where to place the poles of bamboos to place the roof. We decided to put it on the top of water reservoir wall beside of hot water boilers. We worked start from morning at 06.00 am to at 14.00 pm because we have to take care on our guest house too. We decided to break to work for our farm.

On day two, we started making the bamboo poles and bamboo fragments for the roofs and then we installed it. We installed it one by one and carefully because we are actually do not have the experience to build a house or things like that. We always tested one by one the strength of bamboo we installed. We had to finish on that day to install the structure of bamboo because tomorrow on day three we must finished to install the roofs. Our loyal and bona fide customers will be coming from Jakarta.

Thanks to the God, Universe, Holy spirit, and Deities. We could passing the days with love and passionate. We work with joyful..! This is the reward from the happy traits. we always happy in any conditions and circumstance, so that we have a strength to do something that actually, we cannot do it. On day three, we could install the roofs completely although might be in a very simple way and in a simple result. We are very satisfied in our work. We already to receive our loyal and bona fide customers from Jakarta. Thank you.

Love and affection,
Santosa Laksana

The Universe gave me a great work.

First, I would like to say thank you so much for the God, Universe, Holy spirit, and Deities. This is truly my hope, the great hope I have at this moment. I always learn to have a gratitude attitude every day in any condition, even in a very bad condition. But, for this thing, I am begging to the God and from the higher nature which has power, I pray to accept my gratitude. I very love with my work now, planting the strawberries and I want to be successful in this field.

My strawberries are growing well. Today I can continue to transplant them to the new containers and I am being helped with my son. This morning the weather is very bright and the air is very cool. We are, one by one cutting the runners of strawberry and moving it to the new poly bags that we have already prepared yesterday.

I have a different feeling after I planted the strawberry plant. I felt happier, stronger, more passionate, wiser, and loved. Yeah.... The plants of strawberry could change my soul which in before always worries, disappointed, sad, weak, helpless, vulnerable, and hesitate. Now, I feel more confident to face my future in any condition with love and compassion.

I have removed the negativities. God, Universe, Holy spirit, and Deities, have taught me about the faith and the trust. God, Universe, Holy spirit, and Deities, have taught me how I can get the faith and the trust. With love and compassion and my love strawberries, I and my son are welcoming the beautiful future of ours.

Love and affection.
Santosa Laksana and Kusuma Atsarak Santosa.

Hooray...! I have finished weeding the grass.

Today is the day of Wednesday, I cooked an Indonesian food, sayur lodeh manisah with tahu gembos "lodeh of manisah vegetable with gembos tofu." I didn't work on the farm today. I prepared the ingredients of food with my only son, Kusuma Atsarak Santosa, the best supporter of mine at home. We happy and joyed on today.

Our task to weed the grass is over and we will continue our work tomorrow to transplant the runners of the strawberry into the new containers or poly bags. Today we had a free time to gather together with a different feeling, freed from working, freed from thinking, and freed from our uniform "garden clothes." Our feeling and mind are being felt light, now.

My son had a time for learning his program to become an online business development and he will write and talk about his new jobs someday here when he has finished his studies. Me too, I had a time to do another activity what I very like, that is writing, in English, like which I am doing now. This is the best moment we had today for moving forward into our new life in the future we dream. To become successful in our field and have a freedom of life and also, to become independent.

Have a nice day everyone, God bless you.

Love and affection.
Santosa Laksana and Kusuma Atsarak Santosa.

Our first celebration on Chinese new year.

I was touched last night because I remembered when I was celebrating Chinese New Year with my late parents, my father and mother. Yesterday on Monday, February 04, 2019 were Chinese New Year's Eve 2570 and I had a chance to celebrate with my only son, which, I have never had the chance to celebrate it for 25 years. Last night was the first time, I and my son could celebrate The Chinese New Year to give the honor to my late father because he is Chinese, and my mother is Javanese and I am actually having two celebrations, right? Chinese and Javanese celebrations.

We made some of the foods for offerings to our ancestors, to the Gods, to the Buddhas, to the Holy Spirits, and to the Universe. We prayed, wishing to the happiness, peace, glory, prosperity, chastity, affection, joy, for our ancestors, our late parents, our grandparents, brothers and sisters who are in another world. I hope, they are all in the realm of kindness, namely in the heaven realm or the realms of the Gods or the realms of the Buddhas. And most of all are, we can present our love to them.

On this occasion, we also begged to the Buddhas, to the Gods and to the Universe, to always protect us, look after us, love us, open the door to the happiness and prosperity for us, and teach us for us to always have a wise attitude. We also begged, hopefully we meet people who are kind, wise, clever, honest, sincere, gentle, trustworthy, have a noble character, are loyal, helpful, have affection, are passionate, positive, and friendly. We begged that we be surrounded by people as I mentioned above.

After finishing our praying, we felt so light, happy, and joy. We eat, we felt gratitude and we very excited to focus only into our work and our happiness. We will continue our life with peace and joy. Happy Chines New Year.

Love and affection.
Santosa Laksana and Kusuma A. Santosa

Only weeding the grass.

Today on Friday, February 01, 2019, I weeded the grass. Only weeded the grass! I very overwhelmed facing the runners of strawberries I planted. Very very fertile! The results are beyond what I expected. Imagine, I planted to about 50 the plants of strawberries in October 2018 and now in February 01, 2019 are becoming around 1500 the plants of strawberries. Whereas, I thought at the time that, I would get those numbers if already one year, but now, evidently, I could get that number within only three months. This achievement surprised me greatly. Thanks to God and Universe and the Deities whose always protect me.

So, I can speed up my plan for, I can sell the seeds faster, rather than I planned before, that is on next year. I guessed and I thought, I would can sell directly, my seeds of strawberries, on March or April in this year. I hope the sell goes well, so I can advance and add my products. I had an idea to make a plant pot when my sell of strawberry seeds goes well. I thought this was a second hope.!

Today on Saturday, January 02, 2019, I continue my writing about my activity on the farm. I have two places for farming, at the front of the upstairs of my guesthouse and at the backyard of my guest house. Today, I and my son weeded at the backyard. We clean all of the grass that already started to grow high. We have a plan that we will transplant new strawberry seeds after weeding.

We worked faster than yesterday, we finished our work at 8.00 am, so we could check the roof of our guest house that which is a mess due to strong winds and heavy rain. One by one I could fix it. Only less one, the gutter pipe must be given waterproof material. I will give it tomorrow or wait until the gutter pipe is dry.

I think, this is would be our everyday activity on three days next until we are finishing to weed. Now, I can take my nap. God bless and have a very good day.

Love and affection.
Santosa Laksana

Knowledge Is Beneficial. How To Live the Life on Earth Like in Heaven.

Hello, my name is Santosa Laksana. I want to share my experience about a small success I got, but gives the big impact into my life when facing the obstacles, temptations, and challenges to go to success. Clearly is, when someone wanted to starting his life through his ideas and he does it in the right way to achieve success, he will face a lot of obstacle, temptation and also a challenge in his journey.

The obstacles, temptations, and challenges which can bring someone towards failure. Well, I just experienced it..! Fortunately, four years ago, I ever read Mr. Bob Proctor's motivational books and his audio mp3s, a piece of knowledges and insights from him that can bring me to be strong man to face every obstacles, temptations, and the challenges to achieve my success.

The obstacles to my farm, the obstacles which impacted that I couldn't sell my vegetable yields, spring onions, local market rejected my products or buy to really low price. This is about unhealthy competition and monopolistic act. And the second is the obstacles to my guest house, which impacted, I lost the customers, until I have to search the new customers without strife, in a way, I learn English and hope  to get the guests from abroad. Isn't that impossible, while local tourists are no longer interested in coming to my village?

And once again "Fortunately, four years ago, I ever read Mr. Bob Proctor's motivational books and his audio mp3s, a piece of knowledges and insights from him that can bring me to become strong man to face every obstacle, temptation, and challenge to achieve success." The temptations to go to failure, I have recognized and know it, so I can prevent and avoid it. The challenges to think emotionally and do the wrong things, I have recognized it too, so I can prevent and avoid it too. The point is, because I ever read and hearken the motivational words from Mr. Bob Proctor, I recognized and knowing exactly about the path of life truth about how do the right things and how do not do the things do not right.

He has stressed that one must be persistent and has a persistence, and without persistence all is nothing. These words are making me be a man who never gives up, work carefully, persistent, and consistent. Learn from the experience and learn to resolve every problem wisely. Move forward bravely and do it with persistent to face every obstacle, temptation, and challenge in the right way and in a profoundly wise manner.

Me and swamp cabbages.
I can maintain my vegetable farm which the yields can be used for our own consumption, me and my son and I'm very grateful for that...! I can also maintain my guest house in a wise manner and with a little sacrifice that results from the nature of persistence. Well, the nature of persistence can produce people who are willing to sacrifice for their own responsibilities, not vice versa, sacrificing others for their own responsibilities. And God has given His miracle, finally I did it and foreigner tourism start to come into my village and stay in my guest house. I have begun to get guests from abroad, from Europe and America, and I can speak in English by learning by myself. May I proud of this?

Knowledge Is Beneficial. How To Live the Life on Earth Like in Heaven.

The title above is intended for you to introduce you to Mr. Bob Proctor. My great mentor, the best mentor I have ever known on this earth. His experience for many years has created many millionaires which they started it from zero and has been successful to be rich because they followed with believing and faithful all of instructions from Mr. Bob Proctor.

This is the time to share to someone you love, your dear friends or perhaps for yourself, the techniques to free or get out from feeling stuck or was being in that situation??

Maybe they want to earn more money, lose some weight, improve their relationships or live a more fulfilling life?

Frustrated, depressed, confused, hesitant, scared, angry, sadness, and all of other negative feeling, and you do not know what else to do,,, or knows what you want but do not know how to get it is and do not know how way to find a great mantra to face of failure and disappointment.

Watch the video of Bob Proctor that will give you exactly everything you need to resolve that you never experience another yo-yo diet, the tornado bank account or dead end relationship again,,, and better yet to achieve or have ANYTHING you want.

Watch this video now for results that stick!

Create love and happiness everywhere.
Santosa Laksana


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