Hello, my name is Santosa Laksana. I want to share my experience about a small success I got, but gives the big impact into my life when facing the obstacles, temptations, and challenges to go to success. Clearly is, when someone wanted to starting his life through his ideas and he does it in the right way to achieve success, he will face a lot of obstacle, temptation and also a challenge in his journey.
The obstacles, temptations, and challenges which can bring someone towards failure. Well, I just experienced it..! Fortunately, four years ago, I ever read Mr. Bob Proctor's motivational books and his audio mp3s, a piece of knowledges and insights from him that can bring me to be strong man to face every obstacles, temptations, and the challenges to achieve my success.
The obstacles to my farm, the obstacles which impacted that I couldn't sell my vegetable yields, spring onions, local market rejected my products or buy to really low price. This is about unhealthy competition and monopolistic act. And the second is the obstacles to my guest house, which impacted, I lost the customers, until I have to search the new customers without strife, in a way, I learn English and hope to get the guests from abroad. Isn't that impossible, while local tourists are no longer interested in coming to my village?
And once again "Fortunately, four years ago, I ever read Mr. Bob Proctor's motivational books and his audio mp3s, a piece of knowledges and insights from him that can bring me to become strong man to face every obstacle, temptation, and challenge to achieve success." The temptations to go to failure, I have recognized and know it, so I can prevent and avoid it. The challenges to think emotionally and do the wrong things, I have recognized it too, so I can prevent and avoid it too. The point is, because I ever read and hearken the motivational words from Mr. Bob Proctor, I recognized and knowing exactly about the path of life truth about how do the right things and how do not do the things do not right.
He has stressed that one must be persistent and has a persistence, and without persistence all is nothing. These words are making me be a man who never gives up, work carefully, persistent, and consistent. Learn from the experience and learn to resolve every problem wisely. Move forward bravely and do it with persistent to face every obstacle, temptation, and challenge in the right way and in a profoundly wise manner.
Me and swamp cabbages. |
I can maintain my vegetable farm which the yields can be used for our own consumption, me and my son and I'm very grateful for that...! I can also maintain my guest house in a wise manner and with a little sacrifice that results from the nature of persistence. Well, the nature of persistence can produce people who are willing to sacrifice for their own responsibilities, not vice versa, sacrificing others for their own responsibilities. And God has given His miracle, finally I did it and foreigner tourism start to come into my village and stay in my guest house. I have begun to get guests from abroad, from Europe and America, and I can speak in English by learning by myself. May I proud of this?
Knowledge Is Beneficial. How To Live the Life on Earth Like in Heaven.
The title above is intended for you to introduce you to Mr. Bob Proctor. My great mentor, the best mentor I have ever known on this earth. His experience for many years has created many millionaires which they started it from zero and has been successful to be rich because they followed with believing and faithful all of instructions from Mr. Bob Proctor.
This is the time to share to someone you love, your dear friends or perhaps for yourself, the techniques to free or get out from feeling stuck or was being in that situation??
Maybe they want to earn more money, lose some weight, improve their relationships or live a more fulfilling life?
Frustrated, depressed, confused, hesitant, scared, angry, sadness, and all of other negative feeling, and you do not know what else to do,,, or knows what you want but do not know how to get it is and do not know how way to find a great mantra to face of failure and disappointment.
Watch the video of Bob Proctor that will give you exactly everything you need to resolve that you never experience another yo-yo diet, the tornado bank account or dead end relationship again,,, and better yet to achieve or have ANYTHING you want.
Watch this video now for results that stick!
Create love and happiness everywhere.
Santosa Laksana