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A simple learning from English to Indonesian. |
For several reasons, you must learn about medication and therapy.
I am writing this with happiness for cultural exchange purpose. Having you read every the articles with English to Indonesian label, you will then know well the primary words or phrases that oftenest used in Indonesia. Have a fantastic day and may all the living beings be happy. Happy reading.
Rose told to Jasmine that she was okay, although she came alone to her party without with her boyfriend.
Phrases to Say "I'm not Having an Opinion" from English to Indonesian.
- I’ve never given it much thought = Saya tidak pernah memberikan-nya banyak pemikiran.
- I don’t have strong feelings either way = Saya juga tidak memiliki perasaan yang kuat.
- It doesn’t make any difference to me = Itu tidak membuat perbedaan apapun untuk saya.
- I have no opinion on the matter = Saya tidak punya pendapat tentang masalah ini.
- (very informal) Whatever = (sangat informal) Apapun/masa bodo/terserah.
Let's start this flash story.
Jasmine: Hi, Rose. Welcome to my party. Oh, no, no ...! It always happens. Your boyfriend always never comes with you.
Jasmine: Hai, Rose. Selamat datang di pestaku. Oh, tidak, tidak ...! Itu selalu terjadi. Pacar Anda selalu tidak pernah datang bersama Anda.
Rose: Hi, Jasmine, thank you. I'm okay. I’ve never given it much thought.
Rose: Hai, Jasmine, terima kasih. Saya baik-baik saja. Saya tidak pernah memberikan-nya banyak pemikiran/Saya tidak pernah terlalu memikirkan-nya.
Jamine: Does he not like with the party atmosphere?
Jamine: Apakah dia tidak suka dengan suasana pesta?
Rose: I don't have strong feelings either way about him.
Rose: Aku juga tidak punya perasaan kuat tentangnya.
Jasmine: You will be more than happy if you come with your boyfriend, because everyone here is in pairs.
Jasmine: Anda akan lebih dari bahagia jika Anda datang dengan pacar Anda, karena semua orang di sini berpasangan.
Rose: It doesn't make any difference to me.
Rose: Itu tidak membuat perbedaan apapun untuk saya.
Jasmine: Maybe he has another girl?
Jasmine: Mungkin dia punya gadis lain?
Rose: I have no opinion on the matter.
Rose: Saya tidak punya pendapat tentang masalah ini.
Jasmine: But you have to be careful. What if he cheats on you?
Jasmine: Tapi kamu harus hati-hati. Bagaimana jika dia berselingkuh?
Rose: Whatever.
Rose: Masa bodo/terserah.
The end.
P.S. Thank you for stopping by on my blog. A simple ways learning English to Indonesian. To open all the archives of this lesson, click English to Indonesian label at the bottom of this page or click directly here ⇥ 
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