Rebuilding the roofs of the bathrooms area have finished.

We had to fast to rebuild again the bathrooms roofs area in our guest house and we could finish it within three days. Actually we lack of ingredients to rebuild it but we could finish it with a little use of our creativity.

We started it from cleaning the plants of binahong from the top of the roofs which were collapsing so that we had the space to work on there. It was on day one and we thought and made a plan for tomorrow, how and where to place the poles of bamboos to place the roof. We decided to put it on the top of water reservoir wall beside of hot water boilers. We worked start from morning at 06.00 am to at 14.00 pm because we have to take care on our guest house too. We decided to break to work for our farm.

On day two, we started making the bamboo poles and bamboo fragments for the roofs and then we installed it. We installed it one by one and carefully because we are actually do not have the experience to build a house or things like that. We always tested one by one the strength of bamboo we installed. We had to finish on that day to install the structure of bamboo because tomorrow on day three we must finished to install the roofs. Our loyal and bona fide customers will be coming from Jakarta.

Thanks to the God, Universe, Holy spirit, and Deities. We could passing the days with love and passionate. We work with joyful..! This is the reward from the happy traits. we always happy in any conditions and circumstance, so that we have a strength to do something that actually, we cannot do it. On day three, we could install the roofs completely although might be in a very simple way and in a simple result. We are very satisfied in our work. We already to receive our loyal and bona fide customers from Jakarta. Thank you.

Love and affection,
Santosa Laksana

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