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A simple learning from English to Indonesian. |
You can do what you do. But when you do what you can't do, you will know
who you really are.
I am writing this with happiness for cultural exchange purpose. Having you
read every the articles with English to Indonesian label, you will then know well the primary words or phrases that
oftenest used in Indonesia. Have a fantastic day and may all the living
beings be happy. Happy reading.
In this story, Jolianne made a video call via WhatsApp with John, Rebo and family. In their
conversation, there was a reciprocal response from Jolianne and friends. Asking opinions and giving opinions between them. Jolianne wants to live in Bukit - Bali, whereas John prefers to live in Ubud - Bali.
Returning to how Jolianne met John and Rebo, visit this link: https://gprosfarmer.blogspot.com/2020/07/phrases-and-ways-for-telephone-calls-in.html and https://gprosfarmer.blogspot.com/2020/07/phrases-for-asking-for-information-in.html |
Phrases for giving your opinion and asking opinion from someone from English to Indonesian.
- What do you think about...? = apa yang Anda pikirkan tentang...?
- How do you feel about…? = Bagaimana perasaan anda tentang…?
- What's your opinion of...? = Apa pendapat Anda tentang...?
- What are your views on...? = Apa pandangan-pandangan Anda tentang...?
- In my opinion… = Menurut pendapat saya...
- I'd say... = Aku akan mengatakan...
- Personally, I think/believe... = Secara pribadi, saya pikir / percaya...
- If you ask me... = Jika Anda bertanya kepada saya...
- The way I see it... = Cara saya melihatnya...
- From my point of view… = Dari sudut pandang saya…
John's hand phone rang: Druuuuung... Druuuuung... Druuuuung... Druuuuung...! Hi, Hello, Jolianne. How have you been doing?
John's hand phone rang: Druuuuung... Druuuuung... Druuuuung... Druuuuung...! Hai, Halo, Jolianne. Apa kabar?
Jolianne: Hello, John, Thanks. I'm great. Where are you now, John?
Jolianne: Halo, John, terima kasih. Saya hebat. Di mana Anda sekarang, John?
John: Oh... I am at home. Gathering with Rebo, Pupus Ayu, and Resiwulan.
John: Oh... Saya di rumah. Berkumpul dengan Rebo, Pupus Ayu, dan Resiwulan.
Jolianne: That's great, John. I need your help.
Jolianne: Bagus sekali, John. Saya membutuhkan bantuan Anda.
Rebo, Pupus Ayu, Resiwulan: Hello, Jolianne. Pleased to hear your voice. What can we help for you?
Rebo, Pupus Ayu, Resiwulan: Halo, Jolianne. Senang mendengar suara Anda. Apa yang bisa kami bantu untuk Anda?
Jolianne: Hello friends. How are you all?
Jolianne: Halo teman-teman. Bagaimana kabar kalian semua?
Resiwulan: Yeah... Can't complain, Jolianne. Same as always. Ha ha ha ha... But we are good.
Resiwulan: Yeah... Tidak bisa mengeluh, Jolianne. Sama seperti biasanya. Ha ha ha ha ... Tapi kami baik-baik saja.
Jolianne: Glad to hear that you are fine... guys. I have news for you. I have decided to live in Bali, I meant, I will move here.
Jolianne: Senang mendengar bahwa kalian baik-baik saja... kawan-kawan. Aku punya berita untukmu. Saya telah memutuskan untuk tinggal di Bali, maksud saya, saya akan pindah ke sini.
John: Really? Me too, Jolianne.
John: Betulkah? Aku juga, Jolianne.
Jolianne: Wow... That's awesome, John. So what do you think about my decision? I will buy a cabin in Pecatu - Bukit. I have found a beautiful one here.
Jolianne: Wow... Luar biasa, John. Jadi apa yang Anda pikirkan tentang keputusan saya? Saya akan membeli sebuah kabin di Pecatu - Bukit. Saya telah menemukan satu yang indah di sini.
John: How do you feel about it, Jolianne? Do you feel happy?
John: Bagaimana perasaan anda tentang itu, Jolianne? Apakah kamu merasa bahagia?
Jolianne: Yeah... of course! I felt happy. I like the environment in Pecatu - Bukit. There are many of beautiful beaches here. I love ocean view from the hills. Hi, Pupus Ayu, what's your opinion of what I like?
Jolianne: Yeah... tentu saja! Saya merasa senang. Saya suka lingkungan di Pecatu - Bukit. Ada banyak pantai-pantai indah di sini. Saya suka pemandangan laut dari perbukitan. Hai, Pupus Ayu, apa pendapat Anda tentang apa yang saya sukai?
Pupus Ayu: I couldn't agree with you more, Miss Jolianne. It thrilled me when watching the videos about you while surfing. You did very well.
Pupus Ayu: Saya sangat setuju dengan Anda, Nona Jolianne. Saya sangat senang ketika menonton video tentang Anda saat berselancar. Anda melakukannya dengan sangat baik.
Resiwulan: Hai, Jolianne. John akan pindah ke sini. Dia akan menjadi tetangga kita di Jawa, tetapi dia juga membeli pondok di Ubud - Bali. Apa pandangan-pandangan Anda tentang pilihan John?
John: Ooh no, Jolianne. You're richer than me. My business depends on you. I'd say you are my angel, actually.
Jolianne: In my opinion - indeed, John did a same thing in New York. He has a sizeable house in New York, but he also has another house in country side for relaxation with his family. I know well, John. He rich.
Jolianne: Menurut pendapat saya - memang, John melakukan hal yang sama di New York. Dia memiliki rumah yang cukup besar di New York, tetapi dia juga memiliki rumah lain di pedesaan untuk bersantai bersama keluarganya. Saya tahu betul, John. Dia kaya.
John: Ooh tidak, Jolianne. Kamu lebih kaya dariku. Bisnis saya tergantung pada Anda. Aku akan mengatakan kamu adalah malaikatku, sebenarnya.
Jolianne: As a friend, we must help each other, John. Personally, I think/believe... you need to buy one cabin, too, in Pecatu - Bukit. I will send you its picture. It a beautiful cabin, John.
Jolianne: As a friend, we must help each other, John. Personally, I think/believe... you need to buy one cabin, too, in Pecatu - Bukit. I will send you its picture. It a beautiful cabin, John.
Jolianne: Sebagai teman, kita harus saling membantu, John. Secara pribadi, saya pikir/saya percaya... Anda perlu membeli satu kabin juga, di Pecatu - Bukit. Saya akan mengirimkan kepada Anda fotonya. Ini sebuah kabin yang indah, John.
John: If you ask me... uuuuhmm. Yes, please. Send me the picture. I will open a new restaurant there, but Rebo must agree because he is the president of my work.
John: If you ask me... uuuuhmm. Yes, please. Send me the picture. I will open a new restaurant there, but Rebo must agree because he is the president of my work.
John: Jika Anda bertanya kepada saya... uuuuhmm. Ya silahkan, kirimkan saya fotonya. Saya akan membuka restoran baru di sana, tetapi Rebo harus setuju karena dia adalah presiden dari pekerjaanku.
Resiwulan: The way I see it... it's same with Rebo. We couldn't agree with you more. We will support your business always. Uuuhm... we can move to Bali, too, if you asked for us.
Resiwulan: The way I see it... it's same with Rebo. We couldn't agree with you more. We will support your business always. Uuuhm... we can move to Bali, too, if you asked for us.
Resiwulan: Cara saya melihatnya... itu adalah sama dengan Rebo. Kami sangat setuju dengan Anda. Kami akan selalu mendukung bisnis Anda. Uuuhm ... kita bisa pindah ke Bali juga, jika kamu meminta kami.
Jolianne: From my point of view, John. You can stay in Ubud, but you have a business and one cabin in Pecatu - Bukit.
Jolianne: From my point of view, John. You can stay in Ubud, but you have a business and one cabin in Pecatu - Bukit.
Jolianne: Dari sudut pandang saya, John. Anda dapat tinggal di Ubud, tetapi Anda memiliki bisnis dan satu kabin di Pecatu - Bukit.
John: I can never reject your recommendation, Jolianne. Yes, I agree with you, and I thought, Rebo also supports. Deal...!
John: Saya tidak pernah bisa menolak rekomendasi Anda, Jolianne. Ya, saya setuju dengan Anda, dan saya pikir, Rebo juga mendukung. Sepakat...!
Pupus Ayu: I can learn to surf with you, Miss Jolianne.
Pupus Ayu: I can learn to surf with you, Miss Jolianne.
Pupus Ayu: Aku bisa belajar berselancar bersamamu, Nona Jolianne.
Jolianne: Great Pupus Ayu. We can gather always.
Jolianne: Sangat bagus Pupus Ayu. Kita selalu bisa berkumpul.
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