Showing posts with label ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ideas. Show all posts

One step to make a strawberry pot has finished. Tomorrow, I can start to work and produce it.

Because I very enthusiasm to sell online my strawberry plants, my idea has grown and I made a decision that I had to make a strawberry pot to fulfill the service to the customer candidate who want to buy online via my this blog. I have finished making my mini workshop for working and I am ready to produce the pots starting tomorrow.

I work starting from Zero and is helped by my only son every day. We will try to make a perfect product to my customer's satisfaction who buy our product by online via my this blog. We will make sure that our pots of our production of these are strong, heat resistant, and water resistance, so can be used for indoor and outdoor.

We make these pots from wood and plywood, so this will demand our craftsmanship and our diligence when making it. I am, personally, will improve and advance my handicraft skill, besides for my own heart's satisfaction, but also for I want to be seen by the world that my struggle of the live to become successful is never the end. 

So again, I am very grateful to the God, Universe, Holy Spirit, and Deities that I still can continue my life in Your protection and Your plan. Thank you so much.

Love and compassion.
Santosa Laksana and Kusuma A. S

Finally the fireplace to cook hot water for bathing can be used again.

On the first day, when the roofs of the bathrooms collapsed, I had time thinking that, oh my goddess, how can I serve my guest if the fireplace to boil hot water is broken? I cannot repairing that! I do not able and do not have an experience to build a building using cement. I almost gave up.

Okay, because I had to repair the roof first, I did not think again how to repair the fireplace, I thought I would think later after I have finished repairing the roof. For three days I tried and struggled to build again the roof as I could and yeah,, I did it..! The Hut and roof have stood firmly on the ground at above the fireplace that was broken. Hoo hoo..., I thought again, I will have a new challenge tomorrow, build again the fireplace which I don't know how.

Relax.., relax.., I said to myself, I definitely can if I do it slowly and one by one. I took my rest, bathed, and did small celebrate when dinner with my son to celebrate our success, that is building a hut and its roofs.

Yes.., the fourth day has come, it's the time for me and my son to repair the fireplace to cook the hot water for bathing. Okay.., I didn't think again, I just did it naturally. Because my son had to clean the bathrooms first, I worked to rebuild the fireplace alone, without a help from my son. Ha ha ha.., and LOL a lot, in the middle of my work, my son warned me that my work was wronged. Yes, he right, after I thought twice and so on, I aware that it would be collapsed again if I continue my work. My son stop cleaning the bathrooms and made a decision to help me, finally. Yeah.., My son helped me rebuild the fireplace till the end.

We repeated again, what I worked in advance and did it one by one like what said by my son was. Great, finally I could think clearly how to continue the work in the right manner although might not be perfect. I struggled to cement it carefully. Slowly by slowly I did it and with a small smile of course. And yeah.., We did it and succeed rebuilt the fireplace to cook the hot water for bathing. Thank you God, thank you so much.

Love and affection,
Santosa Laksana.

Rebuilding the roofs of the bathrooms area have finished.

We had to fast to rebuild again the bathrooms roofs area in our guest house and we could finish it within three days. Actually we lack of ingredients to rebuild it but we could finish it with a little use of our creativity.

We started it from cleaning the plants of binahong from the top of the roofs which were collapsing so that we had the space to work on there. It was on day one and we thought and made a plan for tomorrow, how and where to place the poles of bamboos to place the roof. We decided to put it on the top of water reservoir wall beside of hot water boilers. We worked start from morning at 06.00 am to at 14.00 pm because we have to take care on our guest house too. We decided to break to work for our farm.

On day two, we started making the bamboo poles and bamboo fragments for the roofs and then we installed it. We installed it one by one and carefully because we are actually do not have the experience to build a house or things like that. We always tested one by one the strength of bamboo we installed. We had to finish on that day to install the structure of bamboo because tomorrow on day three we must finished to install the roofs. Our loyal and bona fide customers will be coming from Jakarta.

Thanks to the God, Universe, Holy spirit, and Deities. We could passing the days with love and passionate. We work with joyful..! This is the reward from the happy traits. we always happy in any conditions and circumstance, so that we have a strength to do something that actually, we cannot do it. On day three, we could install the roofs completely although might be in a very simple way and in a simple result. We are very satisfied in our work. We already to receive our loyal and bona fide customers from Jakarta. Thank you.

Love and affection,
Santosa Laksana

Enhancing of my life by making new ideas.

The universe has forced me to do the right things in my life and prevented me from no benefit things that I was doing and I very thanks for that.

My these ideas was resulted from what I experienced before that is my failures when I sold the harvest of vegetable yields to the local market. The idea is, I should manage in the correct way either about my guest house and my farm simultaneously in one day every day. I should use every existing resources to increase the number of visitors to guest house by making an event or making various services that fulfill the wishes of the guests meanwhile I work on farm.

Without realized, I have had a new power to deal with my current situation, I can work diligently on the farm while also making marketing news for guest house along with the preparation of the services that I would invent later. At this time I am starting the new ideas that started from the beginning, I started planting three kinds of vegetables "mustard greens, pakcoy, and swamp cabbage" and I will add again more in the future with various vegetables.

It's before, I couldn't do this thing because I had to plant, nursery, and sell it. I did not have a time to take care the guest house, do marketing, and create something new like now, e.g, creating healthy food menus, preparing firewood for traditional hot bath, guiding tourists to tour the villages, and the last is writing articles about my activities in guest houses and in the garden. I can do all these things now and tasting my vegetable yields because I am not selling it again.

If calculated from I am writing now, the age of my plants is already two weeks old and like a newborn baby, so cute and beautiful. To fulfill our daily lives, I am planting my vegetable with several stages and the distance for planting time is 7 days per 100 poly bags, so that I can harvest the vegetables every day and so on.

When all are already grown, I can serve foreign tourists or local tourists to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner use vegetables from the garden. My son, Kusuma, has learned how to make healthy foods for the guest use fresh vegetables and will create the various kinds of menus and all in IDR Ten Thousand for vegetarian foods and IDR Fifteen Thousand with additions of chicken meat, cow meat or fish meat. Hmmmmm....soo yummmmmy.

Please come to my village and stay in my Guest house. Just knowing the somewhere of Indonesia, the corner of Indonesia, and the one of lifestyle in Indonesia. Please for coming and thanks and have a nice day!

Love and compassion.
Santosa Laksana


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