Because I very enthusiasm to sell online my strawberry plants, my idea has grown and I made a decision that I had to make a strawberry pot to fulfill the service to the customer candidate who want to buy online via my this blog. I have finished making my mini workshop for working and I am ready to produce the pots starting tomorrow.
I work starting from Zero and is helped by my only son every day. We will try to make a perfect product to my customer's satisfaction who buy our product by online via my this blog. We will make sure that our pots of our production of these are strong, heat resistant, and water resistance, so can be used for indoor and outdoor.
We make these pots from wood and plywood, so this will demand our craftsmanship and our diligence when making it. I am, personally, will improve and advance my handicraft skill, besides for my own heart's satisfaction, but also for I want to be seen by the world that my struggle of the live to become successful is never the end.
So again, I am very grateful to the God, Universe, Holy Spirit, and Deities that I still can continue my life in Your protection and Your plan. Thank you so much.
Love and compassion.