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A simple learning from English to Indonesian. |
"Don't make assumptions. Always do your best."
I am writing this with happiness for cultural exchange purpose. Having you read every the articles with English to Indonesian label, you will then know well the primary words or phrases that oftenest used in Indonesia. Have a fantastic day and may all the living beings be happy. Happy reading.
Rose and Jasmine were arguing a matter. They both mutually disagreed with each other's ideas or opinions. And only those who knew what the problem was. What was their problem, actually?
Phrases to disagree from English to Indonesian.
- I don’t think so = Saya rasa tidak.
- I beg to differ = Saya mohon berbeda.
- I’m afraid I don’t agree = Saya khawatir saya tidak setuju.
- I’m not so sure about that = Saya tidak begitu yakin tentang itu.
- That’s not how I see it = Itu bukan bagaimana saya melihatnya.
- Not necessarily = Belum tentu.
- Yes, but… = Ya, tapi...
- On the contrary = Sebaliknya.
- No way! = Tidak mungkin!
- I totally disagree = Saya sangat tidak setuju.
Let's begin this flash story.
Rose: Oh, no, no, no... Jasmine. I don’t think so; I don’t think so.
Rose: Oh, tidak, tidak, tidak... Jasmine. Saya kira tidak; Saya kira tidak.
Jasmine: We must try, Rose!! If we don't try, we will regret.
Jasmine: Kita harus mencoba, Rose!! Jika kita tidak mencoba, kita akan menyesal.
Rose: I beg to differ. We can go to the downtown, and we will find the excellent one there.
Rose: Saya mohon untuk berbeda. Kita bisa pergi ke pusat kota, dan kita akan menemukan satu yang terbaik di sana.
Jasmine: I’m afraid I don’t agree. We impossible to come back again. This time is our chance to try. Do you feel it?
Jasmine: Saya khawatir saya tidak setuju. Kita tidak mungkin untuk kembali lagi. Kali ini adalah kesempatan kita untuk mencoba. Apakah kamu merasakannya?
Rose: I’m not so sure about that. We must choose the best. Don't you imagine so many choices in the downtown?
Rose: Saya tidak begitu yakin tentang itu. Kita harus memilih yang terbaik. Tidakkah Anda membayangkan begitu banyak pilihan di pusat kota?
Jasmine: That’s not how I see it. I believe in my instinct. There - is the best place for us to get a cool thing, pleasantness, and delicacy. Don't you feel it, Rose?
Jasmine: Itu bukan bagaimana saya melihatnya. Saya percaya pada insting saya. Di sana - adalah tempat terbaik bagi kita untuk mendapatkan hal yang keren, menyenangkan, dan kelezatan. Apakah kamu tidak merasakannya, Rose?
Rose: Not necessarily...! Fine, fine. Let's sit here. Why don't we do both?
Rose: Belum tentu...! Baik, baik. Ayo kita duduk di sini. Kenapa kita tidak melakukan keduanya?
Jasmine: Yes, but… I am starving.
Jasmine: Ya, tapi... Saya kelaparan.
Rose: On the contrary, ha,ha,ha,ha... I am full. Ha,ha,ha,ha...
Rose: Sebaliknya, ha,ha,ha,ha... Saya kenyang. Ha,ha,ha,ha...
Jasmine: No way! Are you kidding? Fine, fine...! If you do not agree with me. We better not do both. I will back to the hotel now.
Jasmine: Tidak mungkin! Apa Anda sedang bercanda? Baik, baik ...! Jika Anda tidak setuju dengan saya. Lebih baik kita tidak melakukan keduanya. Saya akan kembali ke hotel sekarang.
Rose: No, no, no... I totally disagree... No, no, no... Okay, okay... I agree, I agree... I will try it. Let's go there.
Rose: Tidak, tidak, tidak... Saya benar-benar tidak setuju. Tidak, tidak, tidak... Oke, oke... Saya setuju, saya setuju... Saya akan mencobanya. Ayo kita pergi kesana.
Jasmine: Awesome, Rose. You will not regret, I promise.
Jasmine: Luar biasa, Rose. Anda tidak akan menyesal, saya janji.
Rose didn't argue against Jasmine anymore and followed her to the Baejarins Beztu Pylsur stand. Jasmine and Rose were traveling to Iceland.
Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur is a small chain of hot dog stands in Reykjavík, Iceland. Since 1937, they have served up a unique hot dog with condiments of ketchup, sweet mustard, fried onion, raw onion, and remoulade.
The end.
P.S. Thank you for stopping by on my blog. A simple ways learning English to Indonesian. To open all the archives of this lesson, click English to Indonesian label at the bottom of this page or click directly here ⇥ 
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