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A simple learning from English to Indonesian. |
Keep healthy and safe.
I am writing this with happiness for cultural exchange purpose. Having you read every the articles with English to Indonesian label, you will then know well the primary words or phrases that oftenest used in Indonesia. Have a fantastic day and may all the living beings be happy. Happy reading.
Let's start!
Will you be traveling? Or are you traveling all over the world and being somewhere? If so, that's beautiful. But one thing! Don't forget to bring your main gadget and don't let someone evil to steal it. That is a smartphone, or what we usually call a mobile phone!
I believe you will truly need it!
And when you come to Indonesia, I also believe that you will use the telephone to call every individual you will meet or the place you will visit.
So this is my reason for writing this article for you. "The Ways for Telephone Call in Indonesian."
Here we go!
How to call the individuals you will meet or the place you will visit in Indonesian?
I have collected "Phrases and Ways" for telephone calls from English to Indonesian.
- Hello, this is Jolianne = Halo, ini Jolianne.
- (Formal) May I speak with John Audrey? = (Formal) Bolehkah Saya berbicara dengan John Audrey?
- (Informal) Is John there? = (Informal) Apakah John disana?
- I’m calling about… = Saya menelepon tentang…
- I’m returning your call = Saya membalas telepon Anda.
- (Formal) One moment, please = (Formal) Silahkan menunggu sebentar.
- (Informal) Hang on a sec = (Informal) Tunggu sebentar.
- He’s not here. Would you like to leave a message? = Dia tidak di sini. Apakah anda ingin meninggalkan pesan?
- Could you ask him to call me back? = Bisakah Anda memintanya untuk menelepon saya kembali?
- Thanks for calling = Terima kasih sudah menelepon.
The conversations below are between you as Jolianne, John Audrey, Rebo, Resiwulan (Rebo's wife), and Pupus Ayu (Rebo's daughter). In this story, you come to Indonesia to meet and stay with them. One week later, you will go to Bali and make a hotel room reservation by telephone.
You: Hello, this is Jolianne. (Formal) May I speak with John Audrey? (Informal) Is John there?
You: Halo, ini Jolianne. (Formal) Bolehkah Saya berbicara dengan John Audrey? (Informal) Apakah John disana?
Pupus Ayu: Hi, Miss Jolianne. This is Pupus Ayu, Rebo's daughter. Mr. John is not here. He is waiting for you at the airport.
Pupus Ayu: Hai, Nona Jolianne. Ini Pupus Ayu. Anak perempuan Rebo. Bapak. John tidak disini. Dia sedang menunggu anda di bandara.
You: Aaahh…! I know you, Pupus Ayu. Nice to talk with you.
You: Aaahh…! Saya tahu anda, Pupus Ayu. Senang berbicara dengan anda.
Pupus Ayu: Me too, Miss Jolianne. I am happy you have arrived.
Pupus Ayu: Saya juga, Nona Jolianne. Saya senang anda telah tiba.
You: Thanks Pupus Ayu. Then how I can contact John, so I will know where he is waiting for me.
You: Terima kasih Pupus Ayu. Kemudian bagaimana saya bisa menghubungi John, sehingga saya akan tahu dimana dia sedang menunggu saya.
Pupus Ayu: Right. (Formal) One moment, please…! (Informal) Hang on a sec…! I will ask my mother. She has Mr. John's phone number.
Pupus Ayu: Baik. (Formal) Silahkan menunggu sebentar.…! (Informal) Tunggu sebentar.…! Saya akan bertanya ibu saya. Dia memiliki nomor telepon Bapak. John.
You: Great! Yes, please.
You: Bagus! Ya, silahkan.
Resiwulan: Hi, Jolianne. Resiwulan here. Welcome to Indonesia.
Resiwulan: Hai, Jolianne. Resiwulan disini. Selamat datang ke Indonesia.
You: Hello, Mrs. Resiwulan. Thank you. I just arrived at the airport.
You: Halo, Ibu. Resiwulan. Terima kasih. Saya baru tiba di bandara.
Resiwulan: Awesome. Mr. John has been waiting for you there to about two hours before you came. You can call him here; 087634562346. This is his phone number.
Resiwulan: Luar biasa. Bapak. John telah menunggu anda disana sekitat dua jam sebelum anda tiba. Anda bisa menelopon-nya disini; 087634562346. Ini adalah nomor telepon-nya.
You: Thank you, Mrs. Resiwulan. I have noted it. I will call him now. Nice to talk with you.
You: Terima kasih, Ibu. Resiwulan. Saya telah mencatatnya. Saya akan menelopon-nya sekarang. Senang berbicara dengan anda.
Resiwulan: Nice to talk with you too, Jolianne. Oh yaa..! Rebo, my husband, has also been there with John. I thought, they will be at a tavern where they usually hang out around the airport. I know my husband.
Resiwulan: Senang berbicara dengan anda juga, Jolianne. Oh yaa..! Rebo, suami saya, juga telah berada disana dengan John. Saya pikir, mereka akan berada di sebuah kedai minuman dimana mereka biasanya nongkrong disekitar bandara. Saya tahu suami saya.
You: Fantastic. Okay, I will call John now, Mrs. Resiwulan. See you soon.
You: Bagus sekali. Oke, Saya akan menelepon John sekarang, Ibu. Resiwulan. Sampai jumpa segera.
Resiwulan: See you later, Jolianne. Take care.
Resiwulan: Sampai jumpa lagi, Jolianne. Berhati-hatilah.
And then, You call John.
You: Hello, is John there?
You: Halo, apakah John disana?
John: Yes, it's me. I am John…! Jolianne…???
John: Ya, ini saya. Saya John…! Jolianne…???
You: Yes, I am Jolianne.
You: Ya, Saya Jolianne.
John: Hi, Jolianne. Where are you now? I am in a tavern in a rest area outside of the airport location. 10 meters from the airport gateway. If you can walk through, I am waiting for you at the gateway. I have ordered you a fruit juice. And how… okay, we can talk later - ha, ha, ha…
John: Hai, Jolianne. Dimana kamu sekarang? Saya di sebuah kedai minuman di sebuah tempat peristirahatan di luar lokasi bandara. 10 meter dari pintu gerbang bandara. Jika Anda dapat berjalan melalui, Saya menunggu Anda di pintu gerbang. Saya telah memesan jus buah untuk Anda. Dan bagaimana… oke, kita bisa bicara nanti - ha, ha, ha ...
You: Sure, sure, I can walk. I am still at the doorway of arrival and heading out. Okay, I'll come to you now.
You: Tentu, tentu, Saya bisa berjalan. Saya masih di pintu kedatangan dan menuju keluar. Oke, aku akan mendatangimu sekarang.
John: Great, see you soon, Jolianne.
John: Bagus, sampai ketemu segera, Jolianne.
You: Thank you, John. I am going now…!
You: Terima kasih, John. Saya pergi sekarang…!
You walk to the airport gate and meet John Audrey. You also meet Rebo after arriving at the tavern in a rest area location. After chatting for a while, you, John, and Rebo go to Rebo's home.
In your journey, you stay for one week at Rebo's house. You, John, and Rebo's family tour to everywhere that you or your friends thought the place is nice to visit. A lot of chatting for cultural exchange with Resiwulan and Puput Ayu. Tasting various kinds of foods, Indonesian foods. Everything that make you fun and happy, you have gotten it. Last, the time to go have come. You will continue your trip to go to Bali island.
In this story, you conduct a call to book a hotel room at Bukit Cottage - Jimbaran - Nusa Dua - Bali.
Bukit cottage: Hello, this is from receptionist of Bukit Cottage. May I speak with Miss Jolianne?
Bukit cottage: Halo, ini dari resepsionis Bukit Cottage. Bolehkah saya berbicara dengan Nona Jolianne?
Resiwulan: Oh, I am sorry. She's not here. She was out. Would you like to leave a message?
Resiwulan: Oh, Saya minta maaf. Dia tidak disini. Dia sedang keluar. Apakah anda ingin meninggalkan pesan?
Bukit cottage: Thank you. I’m calling about Miss Julianne's hotel room reservation. We have prepared her room for the date specified. Could you ask her to call me back?
Bukit cottage: Terima kasih. Saya menelepon tentang reservasi kamar hotel Nona Julianne. Kami telah menyiapkan kamarnya untuk tanggal yang ditentukan. Bisakah Anda memintanya untuk menelepon saya kembali?
Resiwulan: Oh, sure. I will tell her about this information.
Resiwulan: Oh tentu saja. Saya akan memberitahunya tentang informasi ini.
Bukit cottage: Thank you. Good day.
Bukit cottage: Terima kasih. Selamat siang.
Resiwulan: You're welcome. Good day.
Resiwulan: Sama-sama. Selamat siang.
And you come home, then Resiwulan tell to you that Bukit Cottage has affirmed your room reservation, but the receptionist asked for you to call her back for affirmation. And you call back to Bukit cottage.
You: Hello, is this Bukit cottage receptionist? This is Jolianne.
You: Halo, apakah ini resepsionis Bukit Cottage? Ini Jolianne.
Bukit cottage: Yes, this is Bukit cottage receptionist. How are you, Miss Jolianne?
Bukit cottage: Ya, ini adalah resepsionis Bukit Cottage. Bagaimana kabar anda, Nona Jolianne?
You: I’m returning your call to affirmation to my booking room. Is my room available?
You: Saya membalas telepon Anda untuk konfirmasi ke kamar pemesanan saya. Apakah kamar saya tersedia?
Bukit cottage: Yes, Miss Jolianne. Your room has been prepared. You can occupy it in according to your booked date.
Bukit cottage: Ya, Nona Jolianne. Kamar Anda sudah disiapkan. Anda dapat menempatinya sesuai dengan tanggal pemesanan Anda.
You: Great. Thank you for your serve. I will be there soon.
You: Bagus. Terima kasih atas pelayanannya. Saya akan berada disana segera.
Bukit cottage: You're welcome and thanks for calling, Miss Jolianne.
Bukit cottage: Sama-sama dan terima kasih sudah menelepon, Nona Jolianne.
The end.
P.S. Thank you for stopping by on my blog. A simple ways learning English to Indonesian. To open all the archives of this lesson, click English to Indonesian label at the bottom of this page or click directly here ⇥ 
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