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A simple learning from English to Indonesian. |
Be impeccable with your word. Take nothing personally.
I am writing this with happiness for cultural exchange purpose. Having you read every the articles with English to Indonesian label, you will then know well the primary words or phrases that oftenest used in Indonesia. Have a fantastic day and may all the living beings be happy. Happy reading.
Pigeon and Parrot was flying together. They met in the air, and they decided on flying together. This flash story is telling the conversations between them.
Word and phrases for agreeing from English to Indonesian.
- Exactly = Tepat sekali/persis.
- Absolutely = Dengan mutlak/benar-benar.
- That’s so true = Itu sangat benar.
- That’s for sure = Itu pasti.
- I agree 100% = Saya setuju 100%.
- I couldn’t agree with you more = Saya tidak bisa lebih setuju dengan Anda/Saya sangat setuju dengan Anda.
- That’s exactly what I think = Itulah yang saya pikirkan.
- That’s exactly how I feel = Itulah yang saya rasakan.
- Tell me about it! = Beritahu aku tentang itu!
- You're telling me! = Kamu memberitahuku!
- I’ll say! = Saya akan mengatakan!
- I suppose so = Saya duga begitu
Let's start this flash story.
Gabruuuugzzssff...!! Two birds were colliding in the air.
Pigeon: Ops... I am sorry. I didn't see you.
Pigeon: Ops... Saya minta maaf. Aku tidak melihatmu.
Parrot: Wataaoow... Sorry, me too, I didn't see you either.
Parrot: Wataaoow... Maaf, aku juga, aku juga tidak melihatmu.
Pigeon and Parrot: So what were you seeing...?
Pigeon and Parrot: Jadi, apa yang sedang kamu lihat...?
Pigeon and Parrot again: I was seeing the beautiful ocean scenery below.
Pigeon and Parrot again: Saya sedang melihat pemandangan lautan yang indah di bawah.
Pigeon and Parrot laugh together: Ha ha ha ha hahahaaaaa... We did the sameeee, our brain become one. Ha ha ha ha hahahaaaaa...
Pigeon and Parrot laugh together: Ha ha ha ha hahahaaaaa... Kita melakukan hal yang sama, otak kita menjadi satu. Ha ha ha ha hahahaaaaa...
Pigeon: The scenery down there amazed me.
Pigeon: Pemandangan di bawah sana membuatku takjub.
Parrot: Exactly. I agree with you; it is extraordinarily beautiful.
Parrot: Persis. Saya setuju denganmu; itu luar biasa indah.
Pigeon: Absolutely. The wonderful ocean.
Pigeon: Benar sekali. Samudra yang indah.
Parrot: Do you know? Where do we arrive, now?
Parrot: Apakah anda tahu Di mana kita tiba, sekarang?
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Pigeon eyes |
Pigeon: Palau archipelago Irian Jaya. May I know whether this is your destination place?
Pigeon: Kepulauan Palau Irian Jaya. Bolehkah saya tahu apakah ini tempat tujuan Anda?
Parrot: That’s so true. I saw from TV. The archipelagoes in Irian Jaya are exquisite.
Parrot: Itu benar sekali. Saya melihat dari TV. Kepulauan di Irian Jaya sangat indah.
Pigeon: That’s for sure. I came here four times already. Now is the fifth. I will stay here forever.
Pigeon: Itu sudah pasti. Saya datang ke sini sudah empat kali. Sekarang yang kelima. Saya akan tinggal di sini selamanya.
Parrot: I agree 100%. I will stay here, too. But I must find Raja Ampat archipelago. I prefer to stay around there. What is your opinion?
Parrot: Saya setuju 100%. Saya akan tinggal di sini juga. Tetapi saya harus menemukan kepulauan Raja Ampat. Saya lebih suka tinggal di sana. Apa pendapat Anda?
Pigeon: I couldn’t agree with you more.
Pigeon: Saya sangat setuju dengan Anda.
Parrot: That’s exactly what I think. Before I went; I believed I would meet with match friend here.
Parrot: Itulah yang saya pikirkan. Sebelum saya pergi; Saya percaya saya akan bertemu dengan teman yang cocok di sini.
Pigeon: Likewise me...! That’s exactly how I feel. Now, I meet you.
Pigeon: Begitu juga aku...! Itulah yang saya rasakan. Sekarang aku bertemu denganmu.
Parrot: Tell me about it! We have the same ideals and goals. Why do you want to move?
Parrot: Beritahu aku tentang itu! Kami memiliki cita-cita dan tujuan yang sama. Mengapa Anda ingin pindah?
Pigeon: You’re telling me! Raja Ampat archipelago is the best environment and atmosphere in the ocean location to the birds' life like us, and the scenery is very, very beautiful.
Pigeon: Kamu memberitahuku! Kepulauan Raja Ampat adalah lingkungan dan atmosfer terbaik di lokasi lautan bagi kehidupan burung seperti kita dan pemandangannya sangat, sangat indah.
Parrot: I'll say! We will have happiness in Raja Ampat.
Parrot: Saya akan katakan! Kami akan memiliki kebahagiaan di Raja Ampat.
Pigeon: Yiipp... Yiip... Hooray... We have arrived. Look, human tribes invited many Panda tribes. The Panda tribe looks happy.
Pigeon: Yiipp... Yiip... Horeee... Kita telah tiba. Lihat, suku manusia mengundang banyak suku Panda. Suku Panda terlihat senang.
Parrot: I suppose so. Hi, Pigeon. Look, there is a gigantic tree there. Shall we start our life from there?
Parrot: Saya rasa begitu. Hai Merpati. Lihat, ada pohon raksasa di sana. Haruskah kita memulai kehidupan kita dari sana?
Pigeon: Amazing...! A beautiful gigantic tree. I couldn’t agree with you more. Amazing...! Yes, we must start our new-life from there.
Pigeon:Luar biasa ...! Pohon raksasa yang indah. Saya tidak bisa lebih setuju dengan Anda. Luar biasa ...! Ya, kita harus memulai kehidupan baru kita dari sana.
Parrot and Pigeon flying and singing together: Nothing else matteeeeeeeerrrrrss...
Parrot and Pigeon flying and singing together: Tidak ada hal lain yang pentiiiiiiing...
The end.
P.S. Thank you for stopping by on my blog. A simple ways learning English to Indonesian. To open all the archives of this lesson, click English to Indonesian label at the bottom of this page or click directly here ⇥ 
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