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A simple learning from English to Indonesian. |
Clean water can clean your body, likewise a clean mind can clean your soul.
I am writing this with happiness for cultural exchange purpose. Having you read every the articles with English to Indonesian label, you will then know well the primary words or phrases that oftenest used in Indonesia. Have a fantastic day and may all the living beings be happy. Happy reading.
1. Thanks.
To say "Thanks" in Indonesian is a piece of cake, because "Thanks" is a noun, not a verb. Regardless from the noun "Thanks," I will make it simpler to say "Thanks" in indonesian. Never think the "Thanks" as a noun, but as a short from "Thank you."
So you will say: "Makasih as Thanks." And "Terima Kasih as Thank you."
"May I help you bring your bag? = Bolehkah saya membantu kamu membawakan tas kamu?" When you are traveling in Indonesia, this offering sometime happen. Well, to answer it you can say, "Yes, thanks," ooor..., "No, Thanks! = "Ya, makasih," atau..., "Tidak, makasih!"
When you consider "Thanks" as a noun, then you will say, "Berterima kasih or Terima kasih" as "Thanks."
- He thanked to me = Dia berterima kasih kepada saya.
- His thanks to me = berterima kasihnya untuk saya.
- You must say thanks to him = Anda harus berterima kasih kepadanya.
2. Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot refers to a short of thanks "Makasih" in Indonesian, not "Thanks" as a noun. No differences between "Thanks" and "Thank you" in English. They are the most usual ways of telling someone you are grateful for something they have said or done, but "Thank you" slightly more formal.
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "Thanks a lot," is, "Makasih banyak." And, "Thank you very much," is, "Terima kasih banyak."
- Thanks a lot for all your kindness = Makasih banyak untuk semua kebaikanmu.
- Thanks a lot for ruining my dream = Makasih banyak untuk/telah menghancurkan mimpiku.
- Thanks very much for teaching our kids = Terima kasih banyak untuk/telah mengajari anak-anak kita
3. Thank you so much.
"Thank you so much," it's same with "Thank you very much," if it translated to Indonesian.
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- Thank you so much = Terima kasih banyak.
- Thank you very much = Terima kasih banyak.
4. Thanks a million!
"Thanks a million," is an idiom of, "Thank you very much or Thanks a lot." In Indonesian also available for this phrase, but having a different words structure.
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- "Thanks a million," if translated into Indonesian is: "Terima kasih satu juta," it looks strange if used as Indonesian. In Indonesian is, "Berjuta terima kasih or Berjuta-juta terima kasih," these phrases are more acceptable.
5. Thanks for your help / Thanks for helping me.
No complete definition for this phrase. You will only express it when you felt have been getting help, support, or advice from others.
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- Thanks for your help = Terima kasih atas pertolongan anda.
- Thanks for helping me = Terima kasih telah menolongku.
"Thanks" here was a noun.
Below are the other ways to say thank you.
6. I really appreciate it = Saya benar - benar menghargainya.
7. I’m really grateful = Saya benar - benar bersyukur.
8. That’s so kind of you = Itu begitu baik dari anda or Anda baik sekali.
9. I can’t thank you enough = Saya tidak bisa cukup berterima kasih or Saya tidak cukup hanya mengucapkan terima kasih. <for important things only>
10. I owe you one = Saya berhutang kamu satu or Saya berhutang budi kepada anda. <this means you want/need to do a favor for the other person for future>
Thanks a million and I owe you one for stopping by my blog.
P.S. To open all the archives of this lesson, click English to Indonesian label at the bottom of this page or click directly here ⇥
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