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A simple learning from English to Indonesian |
Have a wonderful day!
I am writing this with happiness for cultural exchange purpose. Having you read every the articles with English to Indonesian label, you will then know well the primary words or phrases that oftenest used in Indonesia. Have a fantastic day and may all the living beings be happy. Happy reading.
How to answer when someone asks, "How are you? = Apa kabar?" in Indonesian in the right way?
Let's assume you are traveling to Indonesia. There is an individual greeting you "Apa kabar?" and you don't know how to answer. Maybe you can respond to it, only with just a brief smile, but I believe. Your feeling will happier when you can respond to it in the right way. Here, you will learn the phrases, the ways to say how you are, by using Indonesian.
Here we go ...!
1. I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
When someone should answer "I'm fine, thank you. How about you?"
These phrases are the most familiar response in societies when someone asks "How are you?" The phrases above are the proper response to answer. "I'm fine, thank you. How about you?"
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "I'am fine or 'fine', thank you. How about you?" is, "Saya baik or 'baik', terima kasih. Bagaimana dengan anda?"
- In Indonesian, "How are you?" is, "Apa kabar / Bagaimana kabar kamu?"
Now you know how to answer when someone asks "Apa kabar?" to you. So let's continue to the other phrases in number 2 to 10.
2. Pretty good.
Generally, a person says, "Pretty good," when he/she is asked after he/she was doing something, did something, has done something, or has been doing something, and he/she answers, "Pretty good." So, "Pretty good," is explanation answer that essentially just means "mostly good" or "fairly good" or "somewhat good." It definitely isn't "more than good," though.
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "Pretty good," is, "Cukup baik or Cukup bagus" Is it explicit? When someone or individual ask you, "Apa kabar / Bagaimana kabar kamu?" and you think which you just, you were doing something, did something, have done something, or have been doing something, you can answer,"Cukup baik or Cukup bagus."
3. Not bad.
"Not bad" is an answer that involves your feeling and what is on your mind. You will say "Not bad" to explain how your feeling when someone asks you. Examples: How’s it going?; How are you doing?; How are things?; How’s life?; How have you been?; How was the food in that new restaurant? The answer is: Not Bad.
Visit this page to know about "The Ways To Ask Someone's News In Indonesian."
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "Not bad," is, "Tidak buruk / Lumayan?" When someone or individual ask you "How’s it going? = "Bagaimana keadaanmu?" you can answer: Not bad = "Tidak buruk / Lumayan"
4. Great!
"Great" used when someone asks about your situation or condition like: your health, life, business activities, hobby, etc. The point is your situation or condition so far. Examples: How are things?; How’s life?; How have you been?; How’s your family?; What’s new? For all these greeting inquiries, you can answer, "Great, thank you. How about you?"
There are other answers like: Fine, thank you. Good, thank you. I'm well, thank you. So it's okay you say, "Great, thank you. How about you?"
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "Great," is, "Bagus." So when someone asks you, How are things? = Bagaimana kabarmu selama ini?" You should answer with, "Great, thank you. How about you? = Bagus, terima kasih. Bagaimana dengan anda?" One example again, "How is your Indonesian study so far?" = "Bagaimana studi bahasa Indonesia Anda sejauh ini?" You answer, "Great, very well. Thank you." = "Bagus, sangat baik. Terima kasih."
May these explanations are explicit for you.
5. Couldn’t be better!
Straight to the phrase meaning of "Couldn't be better." It's used when someone asks you how you are in a formal or an informal way. "Couldn't be better" phrase used to explain 'how perfect...!' your news. So when someone asks you, "How are you?" and you can answer "Couldn't be better" it means, your life is perfect even the best, so the right phrase is, "Couldn't be better."
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "Couldn't be better," is, "Tidak bisa lebih baik." Okay...! Be confident when you feel thrilled and feel have the best life in your life, and someone asks you, "How are you? = "Apa kabar?" or "Bagaimana kabar kamu?" answer with powerful belief, "Couldn't be better" = "Tidak bisa lebih baik," and stay loving yourself.
6. Can’t complain.
Awesome "Can't complain." This is a casual response to questions like "How are you?" or "How've you been?" to explain that the things are fine. In Indonesia, the individuals are rarely to use this phrase, except he or she would like to explain their strive.
"Hi, John, how've you been?" Rebo asked.
"Awesome, I can't complain," John answered.
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "Can't complain," is, "Tidak bisa mengeluh." Example: "Hai John, bagaimana kabar kamu? kata Rebo. "Luar biasa, Saya tidak bisa mengeluh," jawab John. So in this conversation, Rebo is John's friend, and he asked about how John has been, because he knows John busy life..
7. I’ve been busy.
This phrase, "I've been busy," implies that the period of busyness extends through the recent past up to the present time.
Hello John, how have you been?
- I’ve been busy for a week.
- I’ve been busy this week.
- I’ve been busy since last week.
- I’ve been busy for two days.
This is in Indonesian to explain prepositions and pronoun above.
- For = Untuk / Selama
- Since = Sejak
- This = Ini <> "That = Itu"
Now, how in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "I’ve been busy," is, "Saya telah sibuk."
Hello, John, how have you been? = Halo, John, bagaimana kabar yang kamu lakukan?
- I’ve been busy for a week = Saya telah sibuk selama seminggu / satu minggu.
- I’ve been busy this week = Saya telah sibuk minggu ini.
- I’ve been busy since last week = Saya telah sibuk sejak minggu lalu.
- I’ve been busy for two days = Saya telah sibuk selama dua hari.
Three more steps. Keep reading. 💁
8. Same as always.
It's always like that, again and again................................., and again! Usual life in the whole of your life. Then someone you know closely asking you, "How are things?" So you can say, "Same as always. How about you?"
Light phrase, huh!
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "Same as always," is, "Sama seperti biasanya."
English: "Hello, John, how are things?" Rebo asked. Rebo is John's friend.
"Hello, Rebo, same as always. How about you?" John answered.
Indonesian: "Halo, John, bagaimana kabar kamu selama ini?" Rebo bertanya. Rebo adalah teman John.
"Halo, Rebo, sama seperti biasanya. Bagaimana dengan kamu?" John menjawab.
9. Not so great.
Wooow...! Bad news. I wish you do not have this news, so you will always say so great. Make a wish now...!
If have to, and the answer is, "Not so great," make sure that the individual is an individual you already know closely. You can use this phrase to answer all the inquiries greeting you know, with the phrase, "Not so great." But I wish you are not. Smile and love yourself.
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "Not so great," is, "Tidak begitu bagus."
"I'm not so great," replied Rebo. = "Saya tidak begitu bagus." jawab Rebo.
10. Could be better.
This phrase has a similar meaning with the lesson of number 9, "Not so great."
"Could be better" is an unhappy or crestfallen response to a question about one's life.
I am feeling negative when writing this. The point is, when someone asks you, "How are you," and you answer, "Could be better," it's the sign that you are unhappy or crestfallen.
Now, how to answer in Indonesian?
- In Indonesian, "Could be better," is, "Bisa lebih baik."
Good luck.
P.S. To open all the archives of this lesson, click English to Indonesian label at the bottom of this page or click directly here ⇥
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