Let's share a moment

My week in Santosa's house is now finished. I need to continue my travel and discover other people. But this week was very rich in sharing. It's the thing I'm searching in my journey, share little moments, when people bring me in a place just to take a tea, to see a beautiful landscape, or when they cook for me. And I found what I wanted here. 
Santosa showed me many places around, and was very happy when I met new people like his brother. With his son, Kusuma, we shared really good moments in the kitchen ! He is very talented, he likes cooking and I showed him 3 recipes from France. He cooked me very good dishes every day. I ate new things, different tastes, and we just made a real exchange of our two cultures. I will always remember him enjoying the cake !

They are really good people who want to show you what it is to live in Indonesia and will do a lot of things for you. We talked a lot about life and how to be confident. Hope they will apply my little advises. With Santosa's brother we also had a discussion about tourism in little villages in Indonesia. They really want to see more tourists, they want to show them real life, also be kind and just share. Really simple exchange. So if you're thing is sharing, don't hesitate !

Fanny, Kusuma, and Santosa.

Written by Fanny Clm.

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