How Do I Think To Be A Successful Farmer?

My eyes and heart began to wide opened, that, to be a successful farmer it is not as easy as imagined. A lot of hidden knowledges and problems which have to be faced. Learn to become a successful farmer that who can enjoying his life in peace. A farmer who has an inner and physical satisfaction. Learn to look-out the hidden knowledges as well as hidden problems. All of those are already seen clearly in my mind.

I began to find my way to solidify my nature and behaviour as a farmer. If you are a crops lover or someone who are just starting your own garden, do not hesitate to follow these insights I found.

Centering your concentration on what you are planting.
Remove all you worries. Focus on producing the best crops you are having. Don't worry about the market, failures or anything. You would find your own markets and your own new insights automatically when you have already reached the best harvest yield of you. Do not stop when you got failures, continue and learn from there. Don't ever start to think to process your crops into processed products, just keep focus on your crops to thinking about how to care well, fertilization well and how to make a good irrigation. The three acts that would enhance your fortune and your farming knowledge automatically.

Navigate your future on the right track.
When you have a superior product of organic crops, whether it is tomato, potato, chili, mustard green, cabbage, onion, garlic, or organic fruits, you would find your own environment, once again "Automatically." A healthy society or environment which you would be able to offering and introducing your organic farming products. You need to know, organic agricultural products have fresher taste than the non-organic. I do not know about the nutrition content value, but I believe that organic plant products are healthier if we consume them.

Creating your own self-confidence.
Many people wrongly make decisions in processing and managing their farm management. They are always looking for the buyers with the highest price for their products. In fact, to become a successful farmer is not like that. It does not have to find a buyer that offering at the highest price. But find a bonafide buyers that support you to maintain and improve the income of your family. Avoid unhealthy competition by not looking for a buyer that offering at a higher price. Keep concentrate into your family life. Think about the happiness of your family, you will find the right way to manage your farm automatically.

Keep the faith your farm will grow well.
Never stop to research the needs of your market.  Everything is constantly changing. Expand your insights! See yourself, to be a farmer, it takes a lot of technical knowledge, management, and psychology, right? A farmer must have a high empathy to keep their plants, sense of care and affection. The market doesn't have what you have. You will always face the buyers, only buyers! Maintain your insight to deal with the market psychology changes.

Never postpone because you always need the time.
An experienced and succeed farmer always has the nature of joyful, happy, wise, calm, patient, persevering, diligent, persistent, and intelligent. But, did you know, how long did he get those qualities? To gain those natures, a successful farmer can pass through it in the times of 10, even 20 years. Do not ever postpone your work plan! Always remember, how long have you raised the money to buy and add your farm equipments? How long have you learned marketing and eventually getting to know your own markets? How long have you set up or built your farm? How long have you learned about your mistakes? And the last, how long of your journey for you will have become established.*

I also think about how to build personal quality which support the farmer works and lives. Below are the thing are always be my question.

1. Do I already have a strong and good work ethic?
2. Have I worked diligently and persistently?
3. Do I committed to what I do?
4.  Do I have the patience to listen, accept, and consider, when someone has different opinions and gives me hints?
5.  Do I carefully, examining, and talking about it with people associated with me, like family, when I receive and will use that advice?
6. Will I always maintain organic markets and organic products?
7.  How can I adjust myself to work on the farm and my other activities?

And there are many other questions that if I write here, it will be a book and not an article.  If you are interesting and wants to discuss deeply, please gives your feedback in the comments column, I will definitely answer it.

Let us share our experiences about the good things, build a healthy and useful life through the noble works. Greetings and thank you for visiting my blog.

Santosa Laksana

Overcoming Boredom When Farming.

Problems are always come unexpectedly, and I have just experienced it. Unfortunately I couldn't say all of my issues here, but I have resolved that problems through hard effort and the impact to me is that I am a bit frustrated, chaotic programs or delayed, chaotic financial, a loss of purpose, and the last is a high level boredom.

For three days I had to overcome one by one the impact of the problems I faced. Spirit? Yes, I had to keep to pumping my spirits while working on the farm. I had to work, I had to keep and take a good care to my plants. This is the only one way that is right for me and finally my spirit gradually began to rise.

The chaotic programs or delayed has resolved through discussed with my son. We both recalled, how our way in the days of yesterday. We did not record our regular activities. We only live alone. Then when we were creating a work activity, at the same time we would make that activity would be to be our daily life habits. When an unexpected situation emerged, our living habits could change and would be hard to bring back if we couldn't remember how our behaviour yesterday. I am suspecting or thinking negatively about this because this situation could be just happened, that, might be there are people who do not support us trying to change our good habits into bad habits. For example; Have the habits like likes complaining, sad, easy to despair, disappointed, angry, etc.

But, by always pray to the Buddhas and the Goddess Gods, I finally found an insight into how to deal with this mess. Finally, chaotic programs or delayed could be re-established slowly.

About chaotic financial.
Finally, I could also handle it. My friend Joanie McMahon lent me some money to support my farm until it works, so I can still use her money until I could repay it. Financial problems could be solved. I do not know how Gods work but He has sent to me an Angel for rescued me. God bless you all.

Losing my goal!
To resolve this problem. I had to repeat reading a book that I've already read "Farmer and His Traits." This is really important for me to do it because if I work as a farmer but do not have the soul as a farmer, I would not be able to complete my job as a farmer that is very complicated. I read again, studied again, and rehearsed one by one and finally my soul came back again and my goal is clear again. It's look simple but it's not as it is, it's not simple.

And the last one is incredible boredom.
I really bored. My son really bored and I am sad because he is the only one who helps all of my work. Starting from farming, managing hotel, and taking care of the place we pray everyday "Gods' Altar." When boredom arises, there a feeling inferiority or self-disbelief and confusion. I do not know what to do. And, suddenly popped into my mind, "why you do not take some photos about you on the farm and write down all your recent experiences." Well ..! Why I do not do that?

Here is my last story.
I took my pictures on the farm and video of my son that was studying, he looks tired and bored, but, finally he could smile and even laugh again. Our final issue was resolved. May the Buddhas and the Goddess Gods protect both of us always. God bless you.

I was watering shallots seeds
Trying to be confident
Trying to have fun
The seeds are starting to grow
Planting seeds outdoors
My son was studying

Using Umbrella Hat DIM "Do it Myself" Working at The Farm With Rain.

My joy working in the farm.

Work couldn't be delayed, my schedule for planting the seeds of shallot already done, I must preparing a new field for transplanting young shallots which should be finished in 45 days. I should not be late to finish it.

When I was doing my work on the farm to weed the weeds suddenly the rain came, so would stop my activity, whereas I couldn't stop to set up the new transplantation place that must finish on time. Has crossed on my mind. How I can continue my work whereas my farmer hat is too small to block the rain. And then...BooM..! I remember, I have an umbrella which is already broken, I was thinking that I gonna could use it and putting it on the top of my farmer hat. But, how?

Crossed my mind again, cut the umbrella handle and use the top of umbrella to be combined with your farmer's hat. Yes, no longer thinking, I did what was crossing in my mind. I cut the umbrella holder and then I placed the top of umbrella and tied it with a small wire. Done. Finally, I can continue my work without worry the rain. I have a farmer's umbrella hat.

Below is how I made it "Farmer's umbrella hat."

Cut the umbrella handle.

Cut the umbrella handle.
Put it like this.
Bind into one with wire.
Do not forget to enter the remaining pieces like this.
Farmer's umbrella hat already can be used.
Works with a smile despite the rain.

The video about me.

Santosa Laksana


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